Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Where did I go wrong?

A few months ago, I posted about what a great eater Colby is. I bragged about all the different foods he will eat. I revelled in the fact that his favorite food was marinated tomatoes. I thought he was this way because I had done something right! I had conquered the food wars and was not going to have a picky toddler. My baby was going to be a connoisseur of health foods, and he will eat any and all vegetables!

(insert scratching record sound here)

Well, I guess I have to eat my words, because Colby certainly won't eat them. Unless it looks like bread, cheese, yogurt or raisins, he ain't having any of it. It's not that he doesn't like the taste of foods, he just won't let them pass his lips. Ever. What happened? Where did I go wrong? He shuns tomatoes, grapes, cucumbers....lamb kabobs. All of his old favorite foods. He will go on a food strike until something resembling a grilled cheese sandwich hits his plate. When he is crying in his high chair because he doesn't want any of the food I made, what am I supposed to do? Tell him it's the only choice and play the "tough love" game? That was the plan at first, but it's easier said than done when you have a starving, crying, and clinging toddler on your leg who will not touch the dinner that was served. I'm afraid he is winning and I don't know what to do about it. Dr. Phil would say to leave his food on the plate and just scrape the mold off when he's ready to eat. However, something tells me Dr. Phil has never been left alone with a hungry toddler. Seriously, I don't know what to do!!


Emily said...

I have 2 words for you Deceptively Delicious. Find it. Buy it. Live it. As a mother who has had her children go on 4 day hunger strikes while the other demanded that they are standing up for animal rights and they will NEVER eat meat (at age 3), THIS is the answer!
I am late to the party on this idea, but oh how I wish I'd had this when the older boys were little!! It would have saved so much worry and angst. It wouldn't have taken care of my little tree hugger, but as it turns out, after 2 years he grew out of it and is now a very balanced eater. It will solve the "no veggies" thing!!

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