Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Music Together

My favorite activity of the week is definitely our Music Together class. Colby's two favorite things right now are music and being around other kids, so this is a great outlet for him.

The class starts off with everyone sitting in a circle with the child on the mom's lap. Well, except for one child. This particular child usually does a little freestyle dancing and then looks around for a nice, attractive, but less familiar lap, and plops down. Sometimes, he sits on the mom's other knee next to her child, sometimes he sits on the floor next to them, and sometimes he displaces her own child. Today, he made his rounds to no less than four different laps. (He has a way of turning around and shimmying backwards that's hard to turn down.)

When the music really gets going, he breaks out his signature move. I guess I would describe it as a knee bounce and a side to side sway all wrapped up into one. I have tried to video tape it many times, but he's stops whatever he's doing to look at the camcorder so it never works.

He was absolutely fascinated with a newborn baby that was there today. He was gently stroking the top of the baby's head, and then he leaned over for a head butt about 20 times. The other mom was very patient and allowed him to stroke and "love" the baby all he wanted. I was shocked at how gentle he was...maybe he really is starting to understand about babies? I can only hope.

I feel badly that with all posts about the "challenges" we are facing, I sometimes forget to talk about just how sweet Colby is. He really is just bursting with love and affection for everyone he meets, and he's not afraid to show it. I think that's a pretty unique quality and I hope he never loses it.

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