Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school!

After a wonderful vacation in South Carolina (which I will blog about soon), Colby and Miller came home and promptly started their first day of preschool in the "lower" building. Colby is in the pre-k class, and Miller is in the 3 year old room.

A few days ago, I decided to trim off a whisp of Miller's hair in the back, which was resembling a rat was her first "trim", if you can even call it that. I got a little too ambitious in the bathtub and tried to even things up on the side, and ended up cutting off what few curls she had. Everything looks so much longer when it's wet! Now my poor little princess is being mistaken for a boy. :(
So, I have been telling her for the past week that when she starts her new school, the rule is she needs to wear a bow in her hair. It worked! Well, it worked today....we'll see how the rest of the week goes!
As for Colby, he has something called Fifths disease, which is a virus that causes a rash. So that explains the red face.

The obligatory CAMERA SMILES! shot...

and how they really look.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The things they say

Colby, mad at me for putting him in a time out:

"Fine! Then I'm going to say bad things about you to my brain, and you're not going to know!....long pause......Are you?"


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


After we celebrated the birthdays, the kids and I loaded in the car and headed back to our old neighborhood to visit friends.

Our first stop was to our babysitter Adela's house. We haven't seen her since the move, and it was so great to catch up with her again. I have missed her just as much as the kids have....she was the one who made the building of our new house possible. She spent many days (and even a night) here while Lee worked and I was 2 hours away in house meetings. The hardest part of our move, at least for me, was saying goodbye to Adela.

When we got to her house, she served us an elaborate spread of Peruvian food. The kids had some non- Peruvian ice cream, which they were quite happy about.

Later that day, we took Colby to see Cars 2 with his friends Sophie and Megan....

During the movie, Colby was a little restless, so I told him we'd go walk around the lobby for a little bit. He stood up, turned around and looked up at the projection area and yelled "CAN YOU PAUSE THIS?"

While we were at the movie, Adela babysat Miller, and then it was time for one last picture and goodbye hugs. Hopefully we will see Adela again soon.

That evening, Colby had a sleepover with his buddy Megan, and MIller slept downstairs with me. (putting her feet in my face all night- remind me not to do that again any time soon)

The next day, Colby met up with his friend Lucas at the playground....

and oh, how we have missed this wonderful playground! It's a dumping ground for old toys, and all the kids have a blast there.

After a quick lunch, we headed home. And amazingly, it's actually starting to feel like home.