Monday, January 21, 2008

My 3 babies

No, no- I'm not having twins. I'm talking about my other baby. My first one, pictured here.

In the pre-Colby days, Georgia was the apple of her daddy's eye. Lee showered her with affection, treats, and lots of daily play with all of her toys. He would take her on 10 mile hiking trips through the mountains and on long car rides in his truck. He took her collar off every single night so that she would be more comfortable while she slept. (I guess he figured he wouldn't want to sleep with a rope around his neck, so why would she?) Each night before bed, he would lay down in bed with her to tuck her in. It was their nightly ritual.

Unfortunately (for Georgia), things have changed a little bit. Georgia isn't neglected by any means, but she has definitely become second fiddle around here, and she knows it. It's not just because she sleeps with her collar on now....or that her daddy doesn't lay down in the bed with her. It's just that...she knows Colby is higher up on the totem pole. She still has a wonderful life, but it's just...different. We still love her just as could you not love this face?

Now, baby #2 is slowly but surely being groomed to become Lee's mini-me. Lee has visions of Colby rock climbing, hiking, and doing all the outdoor sports he loves. Colby definitely has the energy for it, so it's probably only a matter of time. As for me, I just want to keep Colby out of extreme sports and off of Mt. Everest for as long as possible....but the outlook does not look good.

Here is Lee's mini-me in his first set of Patagonia duds, ready for the snow.

Being pulled through the neighborhood....

Lee grooming his predesesor.

We saw a glimpse of baby #3 today, and it's starting to feel a little more real. I think I saw some boy parts in there, but we won't know for sure until about 2 more months from now. He/she was performing for the camera, and even waved hello.
Here is baby #3 in his/her first debut.

I was concerned that the baby had a large crab claw for legs, but the technician assured me that everything looked a-ok.

It will be interesting to see how our family dynamic changes with the addition of baby #3. Will we produce another high energy firecracker with a distaste for all things quiet and immobile? Or somehow, by the grace of God, will we produce a sweet and snuggly lap baby who loves to cuddle? Actually, if that happened, I think Lee and I would wonder if there was a mix-up at the hospital. Another "busy britches", as my grandmother calls him, will be just fine with us.

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