Monday, August 27, 2007


We have 2 sets of stairs in our house, which means we have 4 baby gates....and inevitably, one of us will leave a gate open by accident at least once a day. (ok, it's usually me) There is nothing that will propel me out of a chair faster than hearing the pitter patter of little feet and hands on the stairs when I'm not expecting it! Colby has been going up the stairs very well now for about a month, but going down is a whole different issue. The times I have let him try, he instinctively wants to do a nose dive. So, we've been working hard the past week on learning how to turn around backwards. He gets confused and still wants to go down head first, but he's starting to catch on. Sometimes he does a few full 180 circles before he gets positioned the right way. Here he is this morning, perfecting his new skill. (please ignore my voice)

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