Sunday, July 6, 2008

Normalcy and room pictures

Things are back to (almost) normal in our house, with the exception of Lee lifting Colby....woohoo! Lee is once again grocery shopping and unloading the dishwasher- my two least favorite household chores. He's also full of energy, so he and Colby have been making up for lost time.

Here they are working with their new Bob the Builder tool set:

On another note, I've finally finished the rooms! I'm very happy with how they've both turned out.

Colby's new room is a train theme (obviously) because of the love he and his daddy share for the book "Freight Train". (You can click on pictures for a better view)

Miller's** room is done, with the exception of a framed print we are waiting for to go above her crib. It will represent her middle name...which I won't share today. One is enough for now.

**These are the answers to the FAQs I hear when I tell people the name.
-Miller is my grandmother's first name.
-Yes, it will be her FIRST name.
-No, we don't plan to call her Millie, but thanks for the suggestion.
-No, her middle name isn't Lite.

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