Monday, December 10, 2007

Bad blogger

I cannot believe I have been so bad about posting lately. Poor Colby will have his 16th month totally undocumented. I've found it hard to find the motivation to post, and I've been unsure as to whether or not to write about why. Most of the 5 people who are reading this know what's going on anyway, but here it goes.

The truth is that my best friend Mindy is going through a really difficult time right now, and it has seemed really trivial to blog about what Colby has done that day. When I wake up, the first thing I do is check my e-mail to see if I've heard from her. She has a twin boy and girl that were born 10 weeks early, and this was after 7 weeks on bedrest when her feet did not touch the floor. The bedrest was very traumatic for her, and now, the boy (Dasch) is in pretty critical condition. He had surgery a week ago to remove part of his bowel, and now he's on a ventilator trying to recover. It makes anything I would post about seem so silly and unimportant when Dasch is fighting for his life and Mindy is in such distress. Please keep Mindy and her babies in your thoughts and prayers. I will post some pictures either tonight or tomorrow and try to summarize the past month.


Emily said...

I am so sorry. We will be praying little Dasch and his family.

Kristina Young said...

This makes me so sad to hear. I am so sorry for your friend.

Anonymous said...

my comments don't leave a name all the time, so "dot" is really me.

Mindy said...

This made me cry!! You don't know how much it means to me that you have been so worried about my babies and me.
Love you,