Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Camcorder!!

I am soooo excited that we finally have a new camcorder! Well, that's not exactly the truth....let me rephrase that. I am so excited that I finally learned to use our new camcorder!

It's been sitting in a box for 2 months, and I've been too afraid to open it. (For some reason, I have a mental block when it comes to new technology.) This new camcorder means no more horrible quality videos (that I took with my small camera)...and I can finally download the videos to the computer and edit them. I tested it out today and it's amazing! I'm posting a little clip of Colby just to show how much better it is. (Warning: not an exciting video) In this video, Colby does 4 of his favorite things. First, he's eating hummus. Second, he does a brief "ya-yah" chant. Third, he tries to make himself dizzy by closing his eyes and shaking his head (his new trick). Fourth, he says "hi"....twice!

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