Monday, January 3, 2011


WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! I think it is safe to say that Colby is now 100% pooping in the potty! Praise GOD!!!! There were times we were sure he'd be packing diapers on his honeymoon, but sure enough, it has really happened. (We still have the night time diapers, but that's pretty normal for a 4 year old boy.)

As we've been promising for a year now, Colby got the drum set of his dreams. He is loving it, and he's surprisingly good.

I will say that Lee gets full credit for convincing Colby that the potty is the way to go (no pun intended). He was home a lot more over the Christmas break, and he was able to talk to Colby about it in a way that I obviously was not.

Another highly motivating factor is the "Diaper Stomp", which Lee does each and every time Colby does the deed....I think it's pretty effective. Take a look for yourself.


Em said...

Congratulations!!!!!! Way to go, Colby!!

Anonymous said...

That is too cute!!! WAY TO GO, COLBY!!!