Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lost in translation

Lee and I will have our first ever out of town trip next weekend without Colby! My mom will be staying with him for the weekend, so hopefully she knows what she's getting herself in to.

In order to help her out, I thought I'd write down some of his most used phrases. (There's just no way anyone could figure them out on their own, and what better place to record them all than right here.)


Boo: More
Boo da-da: More yogurt
Aah-Boo: Water
Chee-toe: Cheese toast (any form of melted cheese on bread/tortilla)
Tee-too: Thank you
Putting hands together: sign for "more"
Rubbing belly: Sign for "please"

Naa-Noo: Vacuum
Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah! Doo-dah!: Doorbell; usually shouted at least 3 times(he would like you to hold him up so he can ring it, and make sure the door is open so that he can hear it)
Buh-bye: Either bye-bye or butterfly
No-Nee: Window
Oow-sigh: Outside

Ah-duh! Ah-duh! Ah-Duh!: All done; usually shouted and accompanied by side-to-side arm movements
Yo yo- video/movie (said while pointing to the tv or the remote)

I'll keep adding more as I think of them!

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