Saturday, March 27, 2010


Last summer, we had Colby enrolled in music, soccer, and swim lessons. All were pretty much a bust- he ran wild in soccer and music, and he was terrified of swimming after accidentally going under the water. He did enjoy almost two years of music classes before he started misbehaving by turning on and off the light switches, running around, etc. Since last July, he had no activities at all (other than school) until about two months ago.

I'm very proud to report that things are looking up and we are back in activities again. Colby has been doing gymnastics for about two months, and he's been doing great (with the exception of the very first class, when he tested every limit and rule...we almost did not go back). He loves the balance beam and the vault, and especially loves jumping onto the crash mats.

He had his first soccer class this morning with Lee, and he did great! He followed the directions, stretched, dribbled, and kicked. We are also doing a "parent and me" swim class to get him prepared for level one lessons (without a parent) starting in a few weeks. He's doing great in the lessons- he gets into the water without crying now (major progress), blows bubbles, gets most of his face wet, jumps off of the side to me, and does the kicking drills. He still does not put his head under the water, so hopefully that will be the next step. The key for him is to wear goggles because he hates getting his eyes wet (even in the bath tub) so that is really helping him feel comfortable.

I have both Colby and Miller signed up again for music this Spring (Miller is currently going by herself when Colby is in school), so hopefully Colby will follow the trend and behave. So all together, Colby will be doing swim lessons, music, gymnastics, and soccer on the days when he is not in school. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

Miller is also making amazing progress with her language. She has said her first sentences: "I want it" and "I don't want it". She uses "I don't want it" the most, especially referring to other people she sees, fearing they might pick her up, get too close, or try to change her diaper. (She still cries in protest at almost every diaper change) She also communicates her needs very well. This morning, she came up to me and said "Help". I said "Help with what?" and she said "coat". She was inside with her coat on and she was too hot. Miller's favorite thing to do is jump, and she's been doing it very well since before she was 18 months old. She is definitely very physical and I cannot wait to get her into sports, especially swimming. It's just hard to find the time right now because Colby needs the swim lessons more, so he takes priority at the moment.

With all this progress going on, I guess it's only natural for something to go in the other direction. (TMI warning) Unfortunately, that something is potty training. Colby is going on day 7 of pooping a little in his underwear. Not a real poop, which he still does in a diaper, just a small nugget. I usually discover it by smelling a not so pleasant aroma, or finding the nugget on his bed when I change his clothes. (I warned you) We've even found one in our closet...I don't know how long it was there and I don't want to know. We have no idea why he's doing this because it seems like it's on takes a lot of control to do that on a daily basis! Hopefully this is just a phase and he won't go to college with skid marks. He's also peeing in his underwear a little several times a day. Apparently, that's how he knows he needs to use the potty.

On that note, I'm headed to mom's night out in an hour, and we are going to the circus tomorrow with Colby (We're getting a sitter for Miller because I know she wouldn't sit through it). I can't wait!

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