Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything so I thought I'd just do a quick check-in. I haven't taken any pictures in a while- Lee was out of town for 11 days and somewhere during that period I lost my blogging motivation. I don't have it back yet because as soon as he got home, Colby caught some sort of virus. He has a fever of 102.5+ and has thrown up 3 times. It's no secret that I have a PHOBIA of anyone throwing up, so this has been very challenging. The first time it happened was last night, and he did it all over me....directly down my front and all over my lap. I have worried about this moment more than childbirth itself. It has been my #1 fear about being a mom. People find that hard to believe, but it's true. I have always worried that if/when it happened, I'd abandon the baby, run out of the house and down the street and get arrested for being such a bad mother. I am not kidding about running out of the house and leaving the baby- that's really what my instincts would tell me to do. But no, that's not how it happened. I did, however, scream as if I were being held at gunpoint, and then I held Colby straight out in front of me...backwards.... to create the most distance between him and myself. There, we waited for Lee to run in and rescue us. I consider this major progress!
Wouldn't you know this is terrible timing, as trapeeze class is tomorrow! We're going to play it by ear and see how Colby is doing in the morning. I promise to post pictures if we make it there....come on Mr. C, get better! Mommy has a circus to join.
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