That's me on the bottom, and Mindy on her way to slamming into the wall. I have no idea who took the picture.....maybe my mom? Did we invite her in for a show? Did we ask her to take photos for some reason? Were we planning on doing something with these pictures? Was Mindy hurt? I don't have any answers....just this picture as proof of our passion and talents.
Anyway, this brings me to the very exciting news. Lee and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last week....and guess what Lee bought me? Ladies and Gentleman.....uuhh, I mean, Ladies....I and all 5'10 of myself am officially enrolled in trapeze school. Yes, I will be going to the official New York Trapeze School in just 2 short weeks for my first class (they have a branch in Baltimore, MD). I could not have been more shocked and surprised by this gift, and by the fact that Lee has been listening to me all this time....not just nodding his head to get me to stop talking. I imagine I will be amongst other confused and lost souls either going through a mid-life crisis, newly divorced, or having too much time on their hands. But as for me....I have a purpose. I'm going to be someone....in the circus. I just know it. Dream big, people. Dream big.
Update: Mindy read this entry and sent me an e-mail. She remembers the stunt, and apparently it was set to music. Oh, I SO wish we had camcorders back then, but the Kodak Disc was as good as it got. Here's something else she said....."Another fun game at the time was sticking a finger in the other person's mouth, and then trying to remove it before teeth came chomping down." Yes, God really did bless me with an equally weird friend...although we've both turned out pretty normal. You can't make this stuff up.
1 comment:
No, you can't make that up!! I was literally LOL, reading this!
And I am also requesting video or AT LEAST pictures of you at trapeze school.
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