I did a funny thing today. And by funny, I mean stupid. I was reading a month by month book about babies last night, and it said that if I don't let Colby start feeding himself and experimenting with food when he's ready, it could delay his table manners. We don't want that! (who writes these things, anyway?) I guess
when he's ready is the key here. Colby has been grabbing the spoon when I try to feed him, so I thought....well, maybe he's telling me he's ready to self-feed. So, I decided to give him a shot at it today. We started with a few diced banana slices, and that went ok. They were a bit slippery, but he liked them, and he liked slapping them with his hands. Next, I added some beef and rice casserole. Colby has never had anything quite this spicy and seasoned, and he thought it was deeeeeeeeelicous. I didn't have my camera at first, so I had to run and get it because he was putting on quite a show. (you really should click on these pictures to get the full effect)
Where has this been all my life?

Oooh! It's really squishy!

Come on....get in there!

What!? What are you looking at? Is there food on my face?

Final Score: Beef: 1 Colby: 0

That's the last time I'll do that for a while. It was quite a challenge to get him clean after that. I thought about taking him in the front yard and hosing him down, but I wasn't sure he'd really like that too much. I gave him a quick sponge bath, but I've been finding rice and beef in little baby crevices all day long. How did it get up there....under there....and in between there?? Something tells me there are things hiding in places that I haven't discovered yet.
1 comment:
That is awesome. We tried a little Greek food action last night... he loved it, Garlic and all. But it was def. bath time when we were done.
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