Along with his new-found independence, he has made some decisions about his life.
Here they are straight from Colby's mouth:
1. I will not tolerate diaper changes any longer! If I have to twist and squirm my way out, night after night, day after day, by God I will do it.
2. No more clothes!!! I do not want to be dressed in the morning. I do not want to be dressed at night. Clothing is torture! And pulling a shirt over my head is as close to hell as it gets.
3. I want the spoon! Not the one in the drawer, I want the one you are feeding me with. No, I don't want all the other ones you put on my tray to distract me. I want the one heading towards my mouth and I'm going to grab it every.single.time.
4. Your computer is the absolute best toy in the house. I love that little green button and I'm going to try and push it every time you turn your head.
5. Please give me boxes and boxes of electrical cords for my birthday. I just cannot stay away from them.
So, if any moms are reading this, I need to know: Is this normal behavior? Will this go away? Is the anti-diaper thing just a passing phase? Please don't tell me it gets worse....I'd hate to get kicked out of the Little Gym because I brought him in naked.
So, in order to relieve a little stress and help Colby find his "center", I decided to start Baby Yoga. We put on some music and began working on some beginning breathing exercises. Then, we moved on to poses. Here he is working on his first pose, the one-arm inverted baby triangle.
I'm kidding!
We were playing with bubbles today and I thought this really did look like a yoga pose.
Saturday we are headed to South Carolina for the week and we're really excited. It will be Colby's first trip to the lake, so I hope to take a lot of pictures. Maybe he'll forget how much he hates diapers and clothes!
This one is hysterical, and very true. Just wait!
It's normal and exhausting. We have renamed Christofer to Johnny Drama. It's truly fitting for times when I remove the Blackberry charger cord from inside his mouth... and he throws himself down on the ground and wails.
Reference my blog post of "Honey, we need more vodka..." also known as White Trash Wednesday.
Welcome to motherhood! MUWAHAHAHA!!
My only surprise is that you have been able to contain him for so long! How'd you do that?!?!
Here are some of my current tircks:
For the diaper and clothes changes, I keep small "toys" around wherever I change him, put one in each hand to distract him and move fast. I change the "toys" frequently. (Tonight Everett played with nail clippers! YES, THEY WERE CLOSED!! And yes it is true that you really don't care what the 3rd kid puts in his mouth *sigh*)
For feeding:
Strip him down and give him the spoon and the food. Yes, I have to give more baths (but with the 3rd kid a baby wipe will do ;) ) but I have discovered a whole new freedom! Everett feeding himself and loving it! He still needs a little help, of course, but he's making progress.
Sounds like little Colby is really coming into his own. Strap on your running shoes :)
Oh yeah, "asserting the independence" is so fun, isn't it?! 15 months has been the worst so far for that, watch out ;)
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