Colby and his friend Jack (in the orange), Wesley (in the red), and Lori in the background (in the pink)
Colby and his friend Giacomo....shooting something. Now that Jack needs "space", Giacomo is his new favorite bud.
View of the class
Miller joined in on the cupcake action, and she knew exactly what to do. She ate the frosting first, and then polished off the whole thing at lightening speed.
Out of a class of twelve 3 and 4 year olds, Miller was the second to finish her cupcake. She then walked over and started taking pinches off of Wesley's cupcake. I'm just going to blame it on the curse.
Colby and his teacher Miss Marnie
The whole party confused Colby, and he went around telling everyone at school that it was his birthday. Since he was already a bit confused, Lee and I thought it would be a good opportunity to give him an early birthday present. Truth be told, we've been dying to give him his new bike, which we bought him a few months ago and have been hiding in the basement. He's really a bit too big for his other bike, and he fell in love with this one at a bike store a few months ago.
Camera smile!
He is so excited about it and is already following in his daddy's bike obsessed footsteps.
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