It's been a great day so far...I had coffee and cards in bed, a workout at the gym while Lee took the kids grocery shopping, and then we all went out to brunch. (When the food arrived to our table, Miller yelled out enthusiastically "OKAY!!" The girl loves to eat) Tonight, Lee's making dinner and we're having fillet mignon on the grill.
Actually, aside from the cards and brunch, that's not too far off from a typical Sunday. Lee usually brings me coffee (and my laptop) in bed, and I usually go to the gym while he grocery shops. Lee actually enjoys grocery shopping (unlike myself), and he prefers to do so with at least one, but usually both, kids in tow. He also usually grills dinner for us on Sunday nights. I married the right guy!
I thought today would be a good day to reflect on the recent events with Miller and Colby. I had Colby's parent-teacher conference two days ago, and it was fantastic to hear that he is doing very well and has made a lot of progress since the beginning of the year. His teacher really understands (and likes) him, and she's very good with boys, so I am so thankful he was in her class this year. He's right on target with everything, including recognizing and spelling his name. She assured me that he does not have any attention concerns, and in fact, it is very hard to distract him from something he has his mind set on.
The main thing he needs to work on is accepting "no" from his peers and giving them personal space. (not shocking information) His teacher said that because of his age, his brain literally does not hear "no" or "stop", and he's just so social (and willful) that he sometimes tires people out. (We have the same issue at home with him accepting and hearing "no" from Miller) He's still buddy-buddy with his friend Jack, but the teacher said that even Jack needs to come up for air and have a break from Colby. Colby doesn't understand that and will come home and tell me that Jack is not his friend anymore, but he doesn't seem too upset about it. So basically, he's just an extrovert who hasn't figured out social norms...pretty normal stuff.
He's also very drawn to the girls in the class, and at the beginning of the year, he did not understand how to engage them in play. Instead, he would walk up to them and take something to get their attention. Or, he would just stand there and stare at them. The teacher was laughing, saying the girls probably thought he was some kind of weirdo...and rightfully so. But now, he will walk up to them and ask if he can play or ask for a turn.
He and Jack are going to be separated next year because his teacher thinks they would drive another teacher crazy, so it will be interesting to see how things go and who his next "best friend" will be. (Hopefully someone who does not hit and bite.) His teacher is also making sure he gets a very good teacher next year, one who has a lot of experience with strong willed boys. She said his placement into the right class is crucial for his success. Thank goodness we have someone looking out for us.
Colby is going into his third week of his "big boy" swim lessons, where mom does not get into the water. (hallelujah!) He is doing very well and we are so proud of him. He doesn't like the cold water very much, and sometimes has a hard time getting in, so we get there early so that we can get used to the water before class. He is now doing everything the teacher asks, and is close to putting his head under the water. I'm going to keep him in swim lessons twice a week all Summer long, and I cannot wait to see how he progresses.
Here he is in his swimming attire....and the new face he makes when he sees a camera.
So it's really best if we capture him in his natural state (even if that means pizza sauce all over his face)
Colby is also very into riding his bike, and he takes it out to ride almost every afternoon. He's been riding a two-wheeled bike with training wheels since he was 2 1/2, so he's getting pretty good. We have a new bigger bike to give him on his birthday, so I can't wait to see how excited he'll be about that.
I know I complain a lot about the issues we've had with Colby, but he's such a good hearted, sweet, outgoing, and funny boy. I am hoping that as he approaches his 4th year, we can work out some of these issues and things will be a bit smoother between him and his sister. (A lot of people would say "he" and his sister there, but that would be gramatically incorrect...a little pet peeve of mine. Thanks mom.)
Miller is really coming into her own, and she's an absolute joy to be around. Her favorite thing to do is go to the playground, and she's obsessed with swinging. I was obsessed with swinging as well (and well past the age where it was cool), so I assume this is something that will stick with her. When we are in the car, she will often say "Go go playground, go swing!". And when she's on the swing, she will yell "Go higher!". She also loves jewelry, both necklaces and bracelets.
Showing off her new bracelets...
However, she not only adorns herself with of her recent quirks is that she loves to put underwear around her head. If you come and visit, be careful where you leave them...she is not picky.
(I'll put a picture here when I catch her in the act again)
She is also really into puzzles, and she does not seem to tire of them. She will work on her puzzles by herself and do them over and over again. (Colby never did anything so stationary) It's really quite amazing to see how different they are.
Working on her puzzles...
Busting out her favorite shapes puzzle...
And just for fun, modeling some new summer fashions.
Miller starts her swim class this week, so we took her to the indoor pool for the first time yesterday. It's been a year since she's seen a pool, so I'm assuming she does not remember. Again, it was such a different experience than what I'm used to because the girl is fearless. She walked straight into the water and headed to the deep end without batting an eye. She jumped off the side to me over and over and would say "more jump!" She did get her head under once, and then said "I don't want it" but was ready to jump again.
Wow, so that was a lot. It's busy here...and chaotic...and not always peaceful...but we know we are so blessed with our two wonderful children. I couldn't ask for more on Mother's day.
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