One of the biggest things that happened in 2010 was our decision to buy a lot***. It's hard to believe that in October of this past year, Lee and I made a little trip to Charlottesville to look at neighborhoods, and we ended up totally taking a chance and buying a lot. We had no idea how we'd end up moving there, but we decided that only with great risks do you ever get great rewards. I remember that day so vividly....we were standing on the lot looking out towards the mountains, and I looked at Lee and said "What if we just buy it? Is that totally crazy?" We both just fell in love with the area and decided that, although crazy, it was a risk we wanted to take.
From there, we started planning and designing a house in hopes that he would find a job. Luckily, he found a job pretty quickly, we started to build in July. We put our current house on the market 2 months ago, and a contract was finalized yesterday exactly 3 months before we will be moving (assuming things stay on track...PLEASE let things stay on track!!) We are able to close on this house and rent back until it's time to move, so it has really worked out perfectly- we will be able to move door to door without the stress of selling this house and then moving into a rental. Wow, it's amazing to think that a year ago, we had no idea we'd even be moving!!
Colby and Miller have had a wonderful year, but also a challenging year together. I think there has been a lot of jealousy on Colby's part, but things are getting better, and he's turning into a wonderful and loving brother (most of the time). Our days are not without challenges, but it's nice to see those moments when the kids are playing happily together.
I am really hoping that 2011 will be the year of potty training! Colby pooped on the potty twice yesterday....this is big news. (He and Lee are out buying a drum set as we speak- that was always the prize promised) Let's hope the trend continues. Miller is showing some interest in the potty and has peed on it 3 times, but she's still a little confused and not always interested. She is supposed to be potty trained for her new school in April, so we've got some work to do!
We had family pictures taken in November. These are not good quality because I do not have the digital copy and they cannot be scanned, but I wanted to include them on the blog anyway. Here they are in no particular order:

We had our first snow of the year right before Christmas. The kids loved getting outside, and I don't think Miller remembered the snow from last year.
Colby had a great time running around, falling, and rolling in it.
On Christmas eve, we baked and taste tested cookies for Santa....
and Colby tried to finish the year strong by being extra nice to Miller (in hopes that Santa was watching).
Granddaddy read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to the kids over our Mac computer.
I swear, this is the last year we will have an artificial tree- I am ready for the real deal! And I'm ready for some real shiny glass balls, which we have avoided since Miller still loves undecorating the tree.

Santa did not disappoint this year.
Colby's loot
Miller's loot
After an incident one day at a friend's house involving a princess dress and heels, we decided that it was time to get Colby some boy dress up clothes. This was his big year!
We had Soldier Colby....

Astronaut Colby (still saluting)...
Pirate Colby....
and fighter pilot Colby.
Miller loved her princess umbrella...
but her most favorite gift was her new Bitty Baby and pram stroller. She has decided to name her baby "Baby".
The 4 person tent was a very exciting surprise for all!
The day after Christmas, we drove down to Richmond. We had a great time with Nan and Pop, Peepie Miller, Uncle Homer and Emily, Chip and Jen, and Cooper, Zach, and Braden. We did a white elephant gift exchange and had fun visiting and hanging out with everyone. Unfortunately, I only took a couple of pictures.
Me, Miller (not wanting her picture taken), and Peepie Miller.
Colby and Miller with their cousins....and a surprise belly shot.

Let's try this again.

For New Year's Eve, we had our good friends Virginia and Jed over with their girls. We only lasted until about 9:30, but it was a lot of fun. The kids put on a "show" for us in the basement. (Miller was already in bed)
Actually, that first picture was photoshopped. If I've been anything on this blog, it this was the real picture. Haven't you ever had so much fun you just don't want to stop for a necessary break?
We didn't know it had happened until we saw it on film illuminated by the flash of the camera. Like I said, 2011 will be the year of potty training! Happy New Year!
****UPDATE: Granddaddy just pointed out that we bought the lot in October of 2009. Oops- he's right.
1 comment:
This was an awesome post!! I swear Colby and Everett are two peas in a pod! The superman picture is PRICELESS!! Good luck with potty training. We are hoping...PRAYING that Maisie will take to the potty very soon, and we too will be done with diapers (first time in 10 years!!). Enjoy your new house and post lots of pics (we SHOULD be in ours by mid to late summer).
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