It should be done in 2 months- WOW! It's getting very exciting. I did not enjoy the first few months of building (it was torture, actually) but now it's getting fun. ( All I have left to pick out are the towel bars and bathroom accessories.)
Colby and Miller have just hit there half birthdays, so here's a little bit about them right now:
Miller at 2 1/2
-OBSESSED with puzzles and easily completes 24 piece jigsaw puzzles on her own. If given the option, she will do puzzles all day long. (She loves to put one leg up on the table while she works on them.)
-Favorite food is greek yogurt with honey and anything sweet
-very carefully and skillfully climbs out of her crib (and back in)
-knows all of her letters and numbers 1-10
-still attached to her binkie and 2 bears (asks for "binkie bear", which means all 3)
-favorite song is "This Old Man"
-insists on having music playing all night while she is sleeping....and if you forget, she will let you know.
-loves to look at books
-often tries to clean up her own messes after she eats
-can catch a ball and do a forward roll
-favorite toy is her doll and stroller
-loves swim lessons and can go "up and under" for 6 seconds
Colby at 4 1/2
-very into creative play, giving his toys voices, creating action scenes, etc.
-spends an hour in "quiet time" each day where he plays with his favorite toys
-Favorite toys: Imaginext toys (fire station, bat cave and batman toys, toy story 3), army men, planes, fire trucks, etc.
-loves "story time" at night with his dad where they make up a story together.
-favorite foods are salty things
-favorite show is Scooby Doo
-doing very well in school; is having more good days than bad (took us 3 years to get there)
-Favorite friends at school are Jack and Lucas
-only needs a pull up at night- hooray!
-can write his name and knows all of his letters
-Dress up clothes are BIG- he loves to pretend he's a marine....or a pirate...or an astronaut.
-Can swim freestyle and backstroke unassisted
-extremely social and loves to play with friends.
-Sleeps with his ducky and fire dog (from Santa on the fire truck)
-likes creative projects with his dad, such as making a pirate ship out of a diaper box, etc. (mom does not do this)
-Has weekly playdates with the other 4 year olds in our neighborhood: Sophie, Lori, and Megan
Colby, Lori, and Sophie having a picnic

He's a little bit of a ladies' man....

And just for fun, here's Miller giving her classic side eye...

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