Walking up to the pool, they have found some common ground...this picture was totally unprompted.
Swim lessons have paid off- this is a boy who loves the water.
Colby now belly flops into the pool and swims to me about 10 feet! (I have a video I want to post, but the video upload is not working) He hasn't figured out how to come up for a breath, but he does a great job holding it. I am so proud!!! He is continuing with his twice a week lessons this summer, and Miller is starting lessons. That means I will be driving out there 3 different times, but it's so worth it to me so I don't mind at all.
I'm going to rename Miller "Danger Girl". Last week, after an afternoon of swimming, I got both Colby and Miller dressed and ready to go home. Miller was wearing shoes, a dry diaper, and her pool cover-up. As I was packing my things up (it was adult swim), I heard Colby yell "Mom, Look!!". I turned around, and there was Miller in the middle of the pool walking around with her coverup floating around her, just as happy as she could be. I jumped in and grabbed her and realized that I won't ever be able to turn my back, even if it's for 30 seconds.
Fast forward to yesterday. Miller wears a life jacket and arm floaties when we are swimming, and as we were walking across the pool deck, she went straight into the water. I had my back to her for maybe a second, and she either jumped or fell into the pool- I suspect she fell. I was only a few feet ahead of her and did not see it happen, but I did see her go completely under the water and then float face down. Thankfully, there was a woman in the pool right next to her who grabbed her, and then I ran over and picked her up. She was fine...hysterical, but fine. However, less than 2 minutes later, she wanted to get back in.
A couple hours later, she was in her crib for nap time, and we heard her hysterically crying. Lee ran up there and found her on the floor surrounded by all of her stuffed animals. We think that she threw them out and then leaned over to try and pick them up and accidentally fell out. Either way, it seems as if she's pretty fearless.
Miller is still accessorizing, and her newest item of choice is her hair band. She is usually wearing one and calls it her "rainbow" because of the small rainbows on it. (we have 2 other striped ones...I do try to subtly encourage her to wear the one that matches the best) She will not allow anyone to help her and insists on putting it on herself. Just 'cause you don't have hair doesn't mean you can't rock a hair band!
Nan came to visit last weekend to help while Lee was away, and she and Miller enjoyed some swing and hammock time together. Miller has definitely inherited the swinging gene.

Lastly, Nan brought the jeep...and left it. Many fun times and fights are sure to ensue.

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