Had I known the line would be out the door an hour ahead of time, even for people who already had tickets, I probably would not have gone on opening weekend. However, I did because I had no idea. We bought our tickets in the morning and arrived 30 minutes ahead of time, and I thought that was early. WRONG. We were at the very end of the line. I decided to beg my way into the bathroom so Colby could pee before we got in line, and once we got out of the bathroom, the line was letting out so we made our way into the theater. We barely got seats, but somehow, we lucked out and I found 2 seats together at the top row front and center- it was perfect! There were a lot of families with kids who wanted too many seats together and had to leave even though they had tickets.
Once we were seated, I gave Colby his first bag of movie theater popcorn, and that kept him occupied for 30 minute wait until the previews started.

Once the previews started, he put on his 3D glasses (with a little coaxing).

He proceeded to talk very loudly about how everything was coming out at him. There was one preview about space with astronauts, and when it got quiet he yelled "The astronaut is going to touch me!" which caused many giggles in our row. (There were surprisingly few young kids there....maybe they were in the non-3D movie? Or maybe their parents weren't crazy enough to attempt opening weekend?)
Colby sat still through the entire movie, which is defintiely a record. It was a very very long time to sit when you factor in the 30 minute early arrival time and the 30 minutes of previews plus a long movie, but he did amazingly well. On the way out, the first thing he said was "That was AWESOME!"
Definitely a perfect first movie experience. (However, would have been more perfect if dad had been there, too!)
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