Another similarity is that Miller seems to love her musical crib toy. Colby has been turning on his aquarium since he was a little baby, and to this day, we know when he's sleeping because it's the only time the music isn't playing. Much to our surprise, Miller has figured out how to turn on her mobile by reaching behind her head and hitting a button. At first, we thought it was an accident, but she did it three mornings in a row. She has also become very attached to her bunny, which she clutches while sleeping.
Miller has been rolling over from back to front for about a week now, which is about 3 weeks sooner than Colby did it. As soon as she hits her playmat, she rolls onto her belly and then needs assistance getting back over. (somehow, she forgot that she could roll over front to back)
Colby has a new favorite saying: "Colby do by self" or "I want Colby do it" It was only a matter of time, and he says this several times a day!
Since it's almost time for Miller to start solids, and Colby still loves his high chair (and so do we), we decided to purchase a second one. Colby likes to do art projects in his, so we really weren't ready to only have one. Here they are trying it out together. (Colby is picking at his fingernails, which he does ALL the time now)

That's about all the excitment for this week....I'm going to try to do better with posting weekly updates, even though I'm sure it's not the most exciting thing to read. The next update should have info about Miller's 6 month appointment, and I'm bracing myself to see where she is on the weight chart. (I already know she's not actually on it, I'm just wondering how far off of it she is.)
I think Miller's crib bedding is the same as the bedding I just bought for our little girl. Is is Serena and Lily? Love it!! Hope you are doing well.
AWWW!! I love reading your kid updates. Miller is absolutely beautiful!
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