Colby continues to be obsessed with his new guitar. I do believe the yoga mat is a thing of the past! The first and last thing he wants to do every day is sing and dance to songs while playing his guitar. Lee and I really wonder if this is a long phase, or if he's destined to be a musician. Only time will tell, but if he becomes famous one day, you saw him here first!

Today was Colby's first day of Music Together this semester, and it's amazing how much he has matured in just 6 months. He used to be the child that never sat on my lap. (He would look around at the other moms and always pick out the pretty ones and sit on their laps!) Today he sat on my lap, followed all the instructions, and sang along with the teacher. It's amazing the difference a few months can make!
Miller continues to be a very joyful and happy baby. I am hearing more and more people tell me she looks like Colby, and when I look back at Colby's baby pictures, I can hardly tell them apart! The only difference is that Miller With Colby, everyone always said to me "You've got a future linebacker on your hands" or "Well he's not underfed!" I'm just waiting for those comments to start. I cannot wait to see what Miller weighs at her 6 month checkup, which will be in a couple of weeks. She'll also be starting solids, which I'm assuming she's going to LOVE.
The only sad thing about her rapid growth is that she has outgrown all of her baby clothes. I only bought up to size 12 months, and none of them fit. Many of them have only been worn once or not at all! I finally bought her some new things, and I bought sizes 18 and 24 months, and she's filling them out completely. I could only find spring shirts, so she'll be sporting the layered look this winter.

Now that Miller is going down to sleep earlier (around 6:30) and waking up more predictably (usually around 3AM and then at 7), Lee and I are really enjoying the extra rest. It's such a relief to have some sort of predictability, and we're working with Miller to teach her to soothe herself to sleep.
I hope things continue to get easier and that Colby stays the wonderful big brother that he is. It's so much fun to see them interact and laugh together....that's what makes this craziness all worth it!
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