Evie and her parents came over for dinner beforehand, so it helped that Evie was strutting around in her cow costume. Before too long, Colby was willing to wear his costume and actually cooperated for pictures. (I was so caught off guard by the whole thing that I didn't realize we velcroed it on crooked. Oh well)

Holding hands before leaving

Walking up to the first house
Getting the first piece of candy from Joe across the street
This is where things went downhill. Colby did not understand the idea of collecting the candy to eat it later. Oh no. He wanted it NOW. We gave him a small bite of the first piece, but at each house, he threw a mini-tantrum over each new piece of candy.
Here he is beginnning to melt down over the piece Lee is holding.
After about 5 houses, we had to call it a night.
Back at home, Colby and Evie played for a bit. As usual, Colby put on his 2 olympic medals as soon as he walked in the door. He's pretty obsessed with them, and I thought it was funny that he put them on over his lion costume.
A little hydration and then off to bed!
And that was the end of Colby's second Halloween. I still say it was victorious!
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