We're just having one of those weeks around here.
Both Colby and Miller have had a fever hovering around 102 for a few days. Colby got it first, and Miller caught whatever it was 2 days ago. I guess there's no hope of keeping her from Colby's viruses when he fondles her binkies and sneezes in her face on a daily basis.
I'm sad to say that I think our days of sleeping through the night have come to an end. Colby has been waking up consistently at 5am....and crying/whining until 7. It started over the weekend when he was sick, and I guess he really enjoyed the extra special attention he got at 5am in "mama bed". He watched videos while Lee and I tried to somehow squeeze in an extra few minutes of sleep. Since then, he has been waking up and 5am and fake crying. Today was the second day we didn't let him get out of his crib, and I'm hoping he doesn't try again tomorrow. In addition, Miller has stopped sleeping through the night. Now, she wakes up about 5!! times a night, either needing a binkie or needing to eat. (I'm never sure which one) Usually, I give her a binkie until I break down around 3 or 4 and feed her. What is going on with that?? This is worse than having a newborn! So between the 2 of them, we're really pretty exhausted.
Speaking of fake crying, Colby has mastered it. Not only is he fake crying every morning, he cries and whines after his afternoon nap for about an hour. He is really feeling his terrible two's and it is not going unnoticed!
There was a Halloween parade in our town tonight, and Lee had been looking forward to taking Colby to it all week. (we decided it was best to leave Miller at home) After bundling Colby up in all his warmest winter wear, they walked there tonight after dinner. They got a late start, so Lee ran as fast as he could go (pushing Colby in the stroller)so that Colby wouldn't miss anything. No less than 30 minutes later, they came home because Colby threw tantrum after tantrum once they got there. (he's still throwing one right now at home) Apparently, Colby wanted to "Say hi" to everyone who walked by in the parade, and was furious that he could not do as he pleased. Poor Lee is so disappointed and frustrated.
Just to add icing on the cake, I went to get my hair "fixed" by adding in a few long layers. This was a new stylist recommended by 2 friends, and I even went in for a consultation beforehand. I brought in pictures and was VERY specific about what I wanted. Ten minutes into the cut, I had a knot in my stomach and knew this would be bad. Very bad. I was butchered once again, and now have very short layers up to my eyebrows! She seriously looked like Edward Scissorhands violently cutting my hair. It's short all around the front, and long in the back. And yes, that is the description of a mullet.
My friend Emily (who has a 2 year old and a newborn PLUS two older kids) reminded me today of how fast this time goes. She said that before I know it, they will be big kids, and I'll probably look back on this time and miss it. I'm sure that's true, and years from now I'll be reading this blog and wish I could go back in time. So, despite the chaos, I'm really making an effort to enjoy this time and appreciate their ages. *yawn*
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