On Saturday, we went to an Octoberfest festival, and Colby experienced his first bounce house. At first he was a bit intimidated, but once inside, he LOVED it!! He jumped and jumped and jumped. He fell down, laughed, got back up, and jumped some more.
Unfortunately, it began to fill up with older kids, and Lee and I became very afraid. Colby was half the size of these other kids, and they were playing very rough. It was an accident waiting to happen, and we tried everything to get Colby to come out. There were promises of lollipops, chocolate treats, and candy....nothing worked.
We had no choice but to send someone in. The onlookers gasped as Lee crawled through the tiny opening and began the long journey to Colby's end of the bounce house. He said it took all his strength and concentration not to sit one someone's kid. Here he is straddling a little boy...I'm sure the mother was horrified.
Later that night, we headed to a cookout and dressed the kids in their finest Halloween garb. Colby loves Miller so much that he always wants to hold her hand.
And kiss her.
Today we headed out to a Fall festival where we had a blast. We took a long hayride through the woods, saw lots of animals, played in the hay, picked out pumpkins, had a picnic lunch...there was so much to do. There was a guitar player which thrilled Colby, and he jammed away on his cornstalk guitar.

There were lots of slides...(note Colby still clutching his cornstalk guitar)

And one GIANT slide that was actually pretty scary...(that's me and Colby coming down)

But Colby loved it! (still clutching his cornstalk)

We even ran into 2 of Colby's buddies there.

We ended the day with a long and spooky hayride through the woods.** Colby really loved it and didn't even try to jump off. It was a very fun day!

(**I'm bravely posting pictures of myself even though I HATE my short haircut and I have about 10 pounds of baby weight to lose. I keep telling myself that in 6 months all of this baby puffiness and short hair will be forgotten)
You look amazing for just having a baby a couple of months ago!!!
Shut up! You look great!! And so do the kiddos!! They are so cute and look so much alike. Glad you all are doing well. I am just coming up for a breath of air here :)
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