I snapped a quick photo this morning just to show how fast she's growing. At 6 weeks of age, she weighs 13 pounds, has rolled over twice, and has slept through the night several times. (last night she slept 10-6) She has definitely smiled at least once (when Colby was holding her) and I suspect there have been more.
However, girlfriend has some serious gas issues. She could win a farting contest against just about anyone. Unfortunately, the gas seems to be getting worse day by day, to the point where if she's not sleeping, she's crying. It starts from the minute she wakes up and continuously gets worse as the day goes on. By the evening, it's hard to calm her down. We aren't worried about a dairy allergy like Colby had because her stools are fine (so far...knock on wood). But, seeing her in this much pain is just not something I can deal with for three more months. I'm starting an elimination diet today to try and figure out what's bothering her, and see if we can make it better. I'm going to limit my diet to chicken, rice and fruit for a few days to see if it makes a difference.
Let's hope I can post some good news in a few days!
**update: The diet will have to start tomorrow. It would help if I had both the chicken and rice on hand, and cooked. I don't think cookies were part of the plan.
Hi! Sorry to hear about your daughter. My son was kind of like that. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in my website www.spewdfree.com
All of the recipes are free of soy, peanuts, eggs, wheat and dairy. They should be safe for your son and you (even on your elimination diet)
AWWW!! She is so sweet! She looks a lot like Colby I think. I hope the diet issues work themselves out with out much trouble, we'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you guys. Fussy babies are NO FUN.
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