His five classmates apparently arrived several minutes before him, and they were all SCREAMING bloody murder by the time we walked in. Colby is a very empathetic little guy, so I knew this was not a good scene for him. The problem was, there were only 2 teachers, so no one even looked at Colby or said hello as he entered the room. There were too many other worse off children, and Colby just stood there looking as sad as he could look, clutching his ducky for dear life. I told him I would be leaving for a little bit, and then I just started tearing up. I felt sooo badly that I had to leave him like that, knowing he would be so upset by the other children.
I said goodbye and walked out the door, and then stood in the hallway for a couple of minutes. Before leaving, I peeked in through the window, and he was standing there alone, silently crying with tears rolling down his cheeks and no one to comfort him. I just couldn't hold it together at that point and started crying.
Apparently, I must have looked pretty distraught because two different employees offered to take a polaroid picture of him and bring it to me. (a nice thing they do for moms on the first day of school) Did you know they still even make those cameras??? By the time they took the picture, he and the other children were doing better.
The good news is that when I picked him up, he saw me and ran the other way. A sure sign he had a great time! The teacher told me that she had to separate Colby from the crier (a child who cried the whole 2 hours!) because it was upsetting Colby so much. She said after that, he was doing much better.
All in all, I guess it was a success since he didn't cry when I picked him up. I am not looking forward to Monday, because I'm sure it will be similar scene, but hopefully in a couple weeks everyone will be adjusted. I feel like such a wimp!
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