Well, it's been an interesting week. If any pregnant women are reading this, I have some advice. Don't let your husband have any kind of significant surgery in the final weeks of your pregnancy.
Lee had hernia repair surgery on Friday, and he cannot do any kind of lifting at all for at least a week. Not to mention he's still not really walking normally or able to move around for more than a few minutes. He's doing as well as can be expected, so there's really not much more he or I can do about it. It has become painfully obvious how much I depend on him on a day-to-day basis, especially at 36 weeks pregnant. He does so much around the house, and so much for Colby, and it has not been easy covering for him.
And just to keep things interesting, I had an ultrasound today and found out that I'm carrying another giganta-baby...a term of endearment I used during my first pregnancy with Colby. He was so big in-utero that I became "high risk" and was very closely monitored. The doctors talked about a c-section, but I really did not want one. I was induced 10 days early, and Colby was born weighing 8lbs 14 oz. It doesn't sound that big, but his head size was WAY off the charts.
I was hoping that this baby, being a girl, might be a bit more petite, but no such luck. As of today, at 1 day shy of 36 weeks, she is estimated to weigh 8 lbs already. The talk of c-sections has started, and we were given a lecture about the dangers of trying to deliver a big baby. (risks to the mom, risks to the baby, etc) I REALLY do not want a c-section, so this is not the greatest news. Of course, the most important thing is that the baby is healthy, so I'm going to try to keep things in perspective. We are going to see a different doctor next week to get a second opinion on the course of action.
I've just about finished the nursery and Colby's "big boy" room, so I'll be posting pictures in a few days. Until then, wish me luck....maybe all this extra work will send me into early labor....that might be a good thing!
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