Colby absolutely ADORES his baby sister, and so far, we've seen no signs of jealousy. Whenever he walks into the room where she is, he yells "Hold baby! Hold baby!" The only thing that upsets him is when I'm feeding the baby and won't allow him full access. We are trying to accomodate him as much as possible because we don't want to dampen his enthusiasm. In fact, I may start using it as a bargaining chip. "Colby, if you eat all your broccoli, you'll get to hold your baby sister"
Here's the way his holding sessions usually go:
Colby looks lovingly at his baby "sister"....or "didda" as he calls her.

Colby leans in for the kill.....hold and press...pat on the belly....

Hold and press.....harder....harder.....hold....

Sometimes, enough is enough.
Um, he is CONSIDERABLY farther along the love track than my son... or perhaps he just fasttracked through the 5 stages of toddler grief...
Love the name.
That's the outfit I gave her! I knew she'd look adorable in yellow!!!
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