I can't believe Colby is 2!!!
We woke him up this morning singing "happy birthday", his new favorite song. He pulled the letter "L" off the wall where his name letters are and turned it into a guitar, dancing and playing as we were singing. Definitely a very Colby way to start off the year.
We had his 2 year appointment this morning, and not surprisingly, he is in the 95th percentile for everything. Weight was 34 lbs, height is 36.5, and head size is 20.
Here's a little info about Colby going into his second year:
Favorite Food: French Fries.
Also Loves: chicken, hamburger, pasta with sauce, yogurt, cheese, hummus, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, peaches, mandarin oranges, popcicles
Will not eat: Cake, cookies, frosting, chocolate, most sweets!!!!!
Favorite Books:Maizy's lift the flap book (also known as the "doorbell" book)
Go Dog Go
Everybody Poops (Colby's new saying is "dadda poopoo")
Favorite Toy: Guitar
Favorite music/videos: Wiggles and High 5
Favorite activities: Playing/running at the park, dancing, seeing live music
Favorite friend: Evie (he greets her with a kiss on the lips!)
Favorite stuffed animal: Ducky
Sleep: He is the best sleeper EVER! (knock on wood) He plays in his crib for at least an hour before falling asleep, and he plays his music box to soothe himself. He plays it all during the night when he wakes up and again in the morning for about 30 minutes before he's ready to face the day. I hope and pray that Miller takes after her big brother!
Often wakes up saying "Ircle moobie mamma bed", which means he wants to watch the Baby Einstein shapes video (circle movie) in our bed. (something I let him do one morning and he has not forgotten!)
Loves to pretend anything and everything is a guitar: sticks, shovels, toilet plungers, etc.
Hugs, kisses, and tickles my pregnant stomach and tries to feed the baby milk through my belly button
Colby is such a happy, fun loving, outgoing, and affectionate little boy. We are so lucky to have him in our lives, and we cannot wait to see what a wonderful big brother he will be.