Sunday, January 27, 2008


Those are the words we do not want to hear tonight. At about 2AM. Please Colby, no uh-oh.

Colby has thrown up in his crib 4 different nights this week. I won't go into too much detail, but he's totally fine during the day, but then he throws up in the middle of the night. When it happens, we hear "Uh-Oh..Uh-Oh..Uh-Oh" This has been going on since Tuesday, and it's now Sunday. What kind of weird virus is this?? Lee caught it, too, but it only lasted one day. I think I had it last Saturday, but I assumed it was just another day of morning sickness, so I layed around a little more than usual. Lee didn't fare quite as well, but thankfully he rebounded quickly.

Anyway, we have a system down now, so before we go to bed we lay out a change of clothes, clean sheets, spare ducky (that thankfully I ordered off of E-bay last week), and clean sleep sack. One of us sits up with him and watches an episode of the Wiggles, and the other one cleans the bed, changes the sheets, and starts the laundry.

I've written before about my throw-up phobia, so I think this is all part of God's desensitization plan. With #2 on the way, I really need to get a grip and learn how to deal with it. I'm ok now with the cleaning up part, but I'll still run far and fast if I think he's going to do it in front of me.

God, I've had enough exposure for this week. Please, no uh-oh tonight.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yikes! That's weird! I hope you guys made it through the the night without and uh-oh and all are feeling well soon!!