Monday, January 7, 2008

A Painful Problem

Well, the past few days have gotten better with the vegetable issue. We've taught Cobly how to dip food in ketchup, and he thinks it's the coolest thing ever. Last night, he inhaled zucchini and squash, but only if it was dipped in ketchup first. Tonight he dipped about 20 peas, one by one, into ketchup. When they were gone, he dipped his fingers in there for a more direct hit. I figure he's getting the important stuff, and a little high fructose corn syrup never hurt anyone.

On another note, we have another problem arising that really has me stumped. Biting. Not mean hurtful biting....but "whhheeee I love to bite mom and dad as hard as I can it's so funny" biting. Nothing makes Colby laugh harder than to see one of his parents yelp, scream, or yell a stern "NO!". It never fails to make him double over with laughter. When we say "NO", no matter how we say it, it just seems to encourage him more. This evening after dinner, I watched as Colby bit Lee, Lee screamed, and then Colby chased him around the room on all fours trying to get another bite. Lee actually had fear in his eyes as he was running around the kitchen trying to get away- the biting HURTS. Tonight, as I was getting Colby ready for bed, he bit me 3 times and left marks each time. Of course, I said "NO", and the hysterical laughter began. Once again, I am stumped as to what to do, and I'm open to suggestions!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Hi! my son is also a ketchup monster. We can get him to eat anything as long as it has ketchup!

(friend of Kristina's)