Thursday, May 17, 2007


To all my readers:

I mean, dear mom:

Man, I am tired! Lee and I feel like we have a 2 month old again. I'm not sure what's going on, but Colby is waking up at night about 3 times each night. Once at 12, once at 2, and maybe again at 5. We are both dragging and a little grumpy. Once you get used to a baby sleeping well, it's hard to go back. I don't have much creativity left in me at the end of the day to post....but I just wanted to check in and say we're still pluggin' along.

Oh, one more thing. Colby is still biting. Apparently me yelping is pretty funny. So is "NO!" And being put down on the floor when it happens is also a good time. He's getting better, but he's still dangerous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Mom and baby. Everyone needs a good night sleep. I am loving this blog. Makes me feel that I am spending time with Colby