The weekend started off on Friday with a visit from Colby's Aunt Mindy, who was wearing a delicious red necklace and was really fun to jump on. Next, some very special visitors arrived- Colby's Nana and Grandaddy all the way from South Carolina. Saturday we spent the day visiting and catching up, and had a really nice picnic at the park. Colby had his first sensual experience with grass and he really didn't like it very much!
My first Mother's day started off with a special surprise that included 3 cards: one from Lee, one from Colby, and one from Georgia. How did Georgia do that? Also, there was a little bag of goodies from Lee and Colby that were actually wrapped and well presented! (This is progress, folks.) In all seriousness, he could not have made my first Mother's day more special. I'm a lucky gal.
Next, Lee's parents came over and it was off to the church. For a baby dedication, the parents and baby go up to the front of the church during the service, along with the other parents and babies. (there happened to be a total of 3 babies this Sunday) Lee and I discussed for days what might happen when Colby got in front of....oh, I don't know....300 people? (it's a big church) We decided there were 2 possible reactions....#1: He would be so mesmerized by all the people that he would stare into the crowd and not make a peep. OR.... #2: He would get excited and make a whole lot of noise. My money was on #1, but Lee thought it would be #2. Well, as we sat in the church parlor, getting ready for the big debut, we decided to let Colby crawl around and get some of that energy out.
We even let him have a pre-dedication jumping session with daddy:

Were your ears ringing on Sunday....say....around 11:25? I'm pretty sure that everyone within a 50 mile radius heard what went on in in the church. After pulling on the minister's face and mouth (just getting warmed up for things to come) Colby waited for a silent prayer to really let loose. When I say let loose, what I mean is scream/shreik with excitement at the very top of his lungs. Pleased with the echo, he did it again....and again....and again. At one point, I looked up at the congregation, and every single eyeball was on us.....or I should say, Colby. It's all kind of a blur to me now, but I know that I was laughing so hard (still standing up in front of about 300 people) that my body was shaking and my eyes were welling with tears. I looked over at the pew of my family, and they were all red faced and laughing, which only made me laugh more. We made as graceful an exit as possible...and apparently, during the sermon (we were sitting in a back room) the minister spoke about Colby and said he was an up and coming Pentecostal. (you know, feeling the spirit and speaking in tongues)
Anyone hoping that the babies would put on a show definitely got their wish, as Colby did not disappoint. Not at all.
ps. You can click on the picture for a close-up of those teefs. They are big, they are sharp, and they are biting in places they shouldn't.
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