Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Fun

School is in full swing, and the kids are loving it.  Colby is thriving in Kindergarten, and he was so ready for something bigger.  He loves gym class, playing outside, and lunch the best.  Shocking, really.  When I asked him about the work time, he said they don't do work, only fun stuff.  That's the sign of a great teacher!  Miller is enjoying school as well and loves all the singing she gets to do in Ms. Susan's class.  She has a very old fashioned teacher and I am really loving her style.  Miller does miss her two best friends, Marin and Charlie, who moved to the upper building, but she's adjusting.

In other news, somehow I convinced Lee that we should get a kitten.  When I saw him waver just a little from his "NO, NEVER" stance, I struck while the iron was hot.  After two days of scouting out the SPCA, I came home with an adorable and affectionate kitten.  Her name was "kitty" for a couple of weeks, but we have finally settled on Savannah, which was her SPCA name.

She is wonderful with the kids and never runs away from them. (which was really my most important criteria when kitten picking)

She is extremely affectionate

She loves to snuggle up and give kisses

She loves to hang out wherever we are.

She puts up with all sorts of carrying and never seems to mind.

She even loves to ride in the car!  The only downside is that the kids fight over whose lap she will sit in.

The only problem we have with Savannah is that because she is so snuggly, she wants to sleep close.  Very close.  Like, on your face.  The kids cannot take it, and neither can we, so right now she sleeps locked in the mudroom in her little bed.

We took a trip to the mountain house, and despite the chilly weather, we had a blast going down the new water slides.  The water was heated and a fun time was had by all.



and Daddy.  (I did, too, but was not captured on camera)

The kids also loved the lazy river.

I celebrated my 38th birthday with some awesome balloons and a "princess" cake from the local bakery.

The princess and her princess in training (This little rocking chair was handed down to me when I was little, and now Miller loves it)

Colby has begun winter swim team, and wow, the water was cold!  But he did great.  Most of the kids are older and faster, but he hung in there.  We had to lay him in a bath of hot water when he got home because he was blue and couldn't get warm.  They are heating the pool this week- thank goodness.

Miller's class went apple picking at the orchard

Apple school

Colby started soccer.  He's doing 8 and under so most of the kids are older (same story as swim team), but he's doing great.

Miller's first soccer game was Saturday.  She and her friends Marin and Jackson were a little timid and overwhelmed, so they decided to hold hands.  They played most of the game that way.  So cute!

And they did not let go!

Colby brought some work home from school .  I was very relieved to learn that the "S" word in this photo is, in fact, a snake.  Phew!

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