We've spent a lot of time outside enjoying this beautiful weather. Their newest sport is roller skating.
Miller had her first ballet recital....
and enjoyed doing the choo choo with her friends.
We've had many pizza get togethers with our neighbors Charlie and Jonathan.
Charlie and Miller love to dress up....
and dress down into something more comfy. (the pajama sharing is now their favorite activity)
Colby started t-ball. Let's just say he's all about having fun and making people laugh. Not so much about t-ball. His time will come....he's only 5.

Little jokester waiting to bat.
Charlie and Miller experimented with paints.....on their arms. That was a fun surprise at preschool pick up.

We took the kids to the local bowling alley for the first time.

Lee and Colby really enjoy their nerf gun battles. We are fighting terror right here at home.

Miller dressed up for a princess birthday party followed by....
Disney Princesses Live. Princesses, cotton candy, a flashing toy.....she loved every minute of it.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Virginia, Colby and Lee rode an elephant.
We had our first trip to Busch Gardens, and Colby was such a little dare devil. He rode everything he could for his height and cannot wait to ride the big roller coasters (he's a little too short this year). I am in SO much trouble next year.

The Easter bunny came!
Colby got Beyblades...and if you don't know what that is, you obviously aren't a five-six year old boy.
Lee is preparing the kids for their first real climb outside.....by having them rappel down our swing set.

And that's what's been going on....in a nutshell!
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