Friday, January 27, 2012

What they're drawing

Colby's newfound fascination is drawing tanks. His daddy taught him last weekend, and since then, every single picture coming home from school is of tanks. And not just tanks sitting there....tanks in the heat of battle. As you can see here, there is much going on and bullets are flying everywhere. It's a warzone, people.

Much of his inspiration comes from playing with his daddy, and one of their favorite things to do is play Nerf gun War. In this house, that doesn't mean you just shoot your gun. No, you have to dress up in camo, load the bullets into your vest, and most importantly, put on your protective eye glasses.

I didn't get pictures of the actual battle, but Miller was dressed up as a doctor and tended to the wounded when they were shot.

Miller drew this the other day, and it's the very first person I've ever seen her draw. I just love how three year olds do not draw the body and put the arms and legs coming off of the head.

Miller continues to be confused about whether she's into boy things or girl things. Her instinct is all girl, but she sure does worship her big brother and all that he does. She's a pink-loving-doll-holding-super-hero-wearing mystery.

This super-hero-wearing-mystery is a rule follower most of the time, and abides by the rule that potty words belong in the bathroom. But, as soon as that little tush hits the toilet seat, look out! She's got the mouth of a sailor and often shouts out "POO POO PEE PEE DIAPER BUTT CRACK!" And what's a mom to say....she is in the bathroom.

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