Let me back up a little and post something I forgot to mention before we went on vacation. The dentist. It was Colby's second and Miller's first trip to the dentist. This is no ordinary dentist....there are movies on the ceiling. Toys. Themed blankets. Sunglasses. Flavored everything. It was like a trip to Disney World up in there.
Colby picked a Spiderman show...

and Miller couldn't take her eyes off of Dora to smile for the camera.

On the way to Nana and Granddaddy's house, we stopped at the Great Wolf Lodge for one night. It's an indoor water park for kids, and Colby and Miller had an absolute blast. Colby was a little hesitant at first, but by the end of the day he rode every slide there except for one that he was not tall enough for. I was proud of him for doing things that looked a little scary, like the slide that you go down head first. Miller mostly stayed in the kiddie area....except for that one attempt on the big water slide where she was tossed around in circles and bumped her head. Yeah, that didn't go over so well. Lee was mad at me the rest of the day for letting her do it. She was a trooper though, and got off and went right back to the kiddie area without any real tears.
The kids had their own little "camp" in our hotel room...
and they were up for quite a while whispering and giggling. Colby fell asleep first, and we could here Miller whispering "Colby! Colby!" for the next 10 minutes.
Finally, we made it to Nana and Granddaddy's. As usual, the kids had a wonderful time doing all their favorite lake activities.
Which include, but are not limited to:
Boat rides....
Driving the boat....
I'm sneaking in a self portrait here....photos of me are hard to come by.
Tubing (this is Colby)...
and this is Miller.
Jet skiing
Playing with daddy's toys from when he was a kid (this might have been the highlight for Colby)
and really, just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery at the lake.
I don't have a picture for cupcake eating, but there was a whole lot of that going on, too. (I'd like to say I'm talking about the kids, but I'm actually talking about myself.)
Upon our return, Lee's cold really came on full force.
Thankfully, Dr. Miller and her medical kit were always close by.

The beginning of Fall means the start of sports and activities. Colby is taking Kung Fu, soccer and swimming. Miller is taking Ballet, Soccer and swimming.
I was one who used to scoff at Kung Fu or martial arts in the past. What is Kung Fu, you ask? Well, I still don't technically know what it is, but at the classes Colby is taking, the instructor takes the kids on imaginary adventures and they run their butts off. It's a whole lot of playing and running and a little big of Kung Fu. Which is just perfect.
This is the best shot I could get....Colby is the blur in the blue shirt.

Miller has started ballet, and she is really liking so far. The class is 3 and 4 year olds, and Miller is the youngest and tallest in the class. No surprise there. It's just adorable.....they stretch, point and flex, make choo choo trains, and jump over alligators. I hope to take some pictures of the class soon.
By the way, my three-year-old ballerina girl is letting me put a "pony tail" in her hair on most days. This is big progress.
Now, if she would just let me pick out her clothes and accessories, I'd be so happy. As of today, she will not let me pick out her clothes and it's a daily struggle. She has so many adorable outfits, especially for Fall, so I'm trying to figure out how to get control over this. Until then, she will combine her bunny shirts with her ghost barrettes. And I will still think she's completely adorable.
Lastly, with Fall comes new plantings and flowers. I'm very proud of my first really plantings....let's see if I can keep them alive.
Soon I will be posting an update on Miller.....the binky fairy is coming tonight. The binkies were put in an envelope, and she went to bed without one. She has already been up crying once. I am thinking that if it gets bad in the middle of the night, we will cave.....who knows. She is expecting great things at her door tomorrow. (her request was colored mini marshmallows and pink cake) The big question is....will we make it through the night?
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