Here's a very brief summary, in pictures.
WOW. I cannot believe this boy will turn 5 in just 2 days. How do I have a 5 year old?
He truly thinks that the neighbors think that Batman lives here.
Colby had his first sleepover. His friend Megan came to visit, and they had a blast together. Here they are winding down with a movie....
and then attempting to sleep. Which didn't happen until Colby moved up to his own bed.
Colby and Miller got to ride in a train for the local 4th of July Parade....

and it was right in front of George Allen on horseback. They had a blast throwing candy and waving to friends.

We headed to the mountains for 4th of July weekend. Nan, Pop, Chip and Jen, Cooper, Zach, Braden, Uncle Alfred, Aunt Anne, and Aunt Lynn and Ralph were all there.
It was all a little too much for Miller at first.
She sat like this for about 2 hours. Of course, I loved it, since she is normally too busy to snuggle.

Everyone hung out on the porch...
The boys rode down to the fireworks in the back of the pickup truck. Does that make us hillbillies?
Miller is beginning to give let go of the fake camera this one of me and my girl!
She really loosened she is with Uncle Alfred, heading to the concert and fireworks.
Colby stopped to pose for a picture with Braden, but he was off running around the rest of the night.
Miller was in rare form....having a great time.
Dancing the night away.

Lee ran to the car with Miller before the fireworks began because she doesn't like loud noises. Colby and I sat and watched together. He loved it.
Afterwards, Colby and I went down to the stage and listened from the side before heading to bed.
The next day, we headed to the pool.
Colby in action.
Miller has become a little fish...

She loves to swim under water, do "rocket hands", and freestyle.
Lastly, we had a huge surprise put in the yard this week....
The kids are loving it.
Thanks goodness for the rubber mulch; we've already gotten our money's worth on that.
My next posts will be all about the birthday boy and girl. Time is going too fast......make it stop!!!
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