I forgot my camera over Memorial day at the mountains, so everything was taken with my phone. It was the first time it almost felt like a vacation with the kids, and a big thanks to Nan for all the cooking and cleaning she did for us. I didn't get pictures of Homer and Emily or Pop, but they were there, too!
On the first night, we took the kids on a hayride....

And we stopped to roast marshmellows....

And make s'mores.

This boy loves his s'mores!

The next day, we headed for the pool. This is the Summer for terrible photos- Miller has mastered the fake squinty smile, and Colby loves to give a tough guy pose.

Miller loved swinging with Nan. (this happens to be the only photo where she isn't "smiling")

We watched fireworks over the mountains at sunset. Not a bad ending to the day.

In other news, Miller picked out some Dora underwear, which she proudly wore for about 30 minutes until she peed in them. Then it was back in her diaper. We are so scared to force the potty training. A quick look back in the blog reminds me of that!

The kids will begin summer camp at their new school in a week- hurray! We went to visit and met their teachers, and they seem to love it. (Please, Miller, do not say "cheese"....)

I am thrilled with Colby's teacher for next year; I think making him repeat a year of preschool is the right decision. They teach reading and math at this preschool, so he will be challenged. The delima I'm facing is what I will do with Miller when she is turning 5. Do I put her in early and only have them one grade apart? That seems strange. But, she already knows all of her letters and can count up to 25, so something tells me she'll be ready. I know I don't need to worry yet, but it seems like giving kids an extra year can be a really good thing. From what I'm hearing, no one ever regrets giving them an extra year, but lots of people regret sending them young.
Colby is really starting to feel comfortable and make some friends here. In the car the other day, he said to me "I like it here, mom." I almost cried. He has had such a hard time, and it's so wonderful to see him having fun and playing with friends. Our neighborhood has so much going on, and that helps. Every Friday, there is a gathering on the main common area where adults bring food/beverages, and the kids run around like crazy.
Last night, they had a family camp out on the common area. There were about 30 tents set up, and this was ours.
We decided that Lee and Colby would camp, and Miller and I would sleep at the house. Miller hung in there until about 8:30, so we walked home to head for bed. This is the photo I snapped on the way back.

Colby wore his headlamp, so I could see his little light running around from our master bedroom window. He had a blast, and I do not understand how he keeps going and going. He spent 4 hours in the pool during the day at a birthday party, and he ran around last night until 10 PM when he finally crashed, and he was back up at 6AM.
Meanwhile, Miller had another bad dream, and I had to comfort her and tell her that Colby was not, in fact, trying to steal her chocolate cake. Miller has very vivid dreams, and at least once a week, she will SCREAM at the top of her lungs. We always sprint into her room, thinking she has fallen out of bed. When we get in there, she is still asleep and tells us something that has to do with food and her brother. First it was "Colby took my pizza!" and then a few nights later "Colby took my ginger snap!" and then last night "Colby took my chocolate cake!" The poor girl was cursed with a devilish sweet tooth and a brother who taunts her. Of course she's going to combine the two in her dreams for the ultimate nightmare.
That's about all the happenings for now. Nana and Granddaddy are coming to visit this week- we can't wait!!
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