Sunday, September 26, 2010

Airplanes and Witches

Miller has a mind like a steel trap, and certain things make VERY big impressions on her. Lately, she has been talking daily about two things. The first is her trip to see Nana and Granddaddy....literally, the transportation. She talks about riding on the airplane and the school bus (which is the bus that take you from the parking lot to the airport) several times a day.

The other thing that she talks about daily (since last weekend) is the witches we saw in the Halloween store at the mall. They were life sized automated witches and Miller was TERRIFIED. She grabbed on to me and burst into tears, and we had to leave the store immediately. She has been talking daily about those witches and how they are "pretend" and "not real".

This is not a very exciting video....just a little glimpse of everyday conversation with Miss Miller.

(Oh, and be sure to read the post below this one about leaving your e-mail address before I change my privacy settings!)

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