So, the blog has taken a hit. I think it will continue to take a hit for the next 6 months, but I'm going to try my best to make time for it. (oh, my cooking has taken a hit, too...poor Lee is having to pick up the slack around here)
Other than the house, life has been going on as usual.
Colby is obsessed with taking pictures. He got a camera for his birthday, but he prefers to use mine. He's not too bad...
And no one is safe around here.
I gotta say though, he is creative. The other day he was so excited to show me what he had taken pictures of. "Mom! Come look at these pictures!" Imagine my surprise when I saw 26 artistic shots of his you know what. Which reminds me...I better erase those before someone accidently uploads them to a picture website and I get arrested.
Lee took the kids to the creek and they caught a fish. And brought him home. Colby named him Motorboat. They tried to feed him bread. I'm guessing Lee put leaves in there to make him feel at home. It didn't work and he died the next day. Don't try to make a pet out of a fish from a creek.
Miller and Colby fight half the time and get along the other half. You just never know what kind of hour it's going to be. (and the fighting is always brought on by Colby's teasing...which brings him so much joy) The good moments almost make up for the bad.
Miller has decided she must always wear a hair accessory. She prefers hair bows, but they don't stay in very long. But she loves them.
Whew, a little weight off of my shoulders. For now. We head to SC to visit Nana and Granddaddy a week from today. It should be a nice break for all of us. I'll post an update when we return!
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