Colby has recently become obsessed with the movie Toy Story, and more specifically, Buzz Lightyear. This is the first movie he has seen, and he watched it for the first time a few weeks ago. Life has not been the same since.
If there's a loud boom in the house, we know that somewhere, Colby is pretending to be Buzz and jumping off of something. There have been a few times when I thought someone had pulled a dresser over, but it was just Colby jumping off of his bed onto the floor (with his wings out, of course). He also has a Buzz toy/action figure, and he takes it with him everywhere he goes. This weekend he got a Toy Story book, so he likes to watch the movie and follow along in the book, pausing to bring Buzz to life and make him fly and crash down along with the movie.
Colby and Buzz
Colby and Buzz taking a much needed nap on the floor. (the only time this has ever happened)
Sleeping in his big boy bed
Meanwhile, Miller is absorbing everything Colby does. She also loves Buzz, but mainly because she's not allowed to touch him (at least when Colby is home). She truly has an unlimited vocabulary at this point. Every day, I hear new words, and she can repeat any word. When she is carried away for her nap in the afternoon, she will cry and then say "Bye Colby" as she is carried off. She really adores her brother, despite the fact that he still likes to pull her legs and bother her.
Here she is in Colby's room...wearing Colby's necklace...with Colby's book...just trying to be like Colby. And yes, she is always covered in bruises with red knees.
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