Here are some topics in no particular order:
We spent Thanksgiving in Richmond again this year, but we were so busy that I didn't take very many pictures. (ok, maybe I was just lazy) Colby had a wonderful time playing outside with his cousins (Cooper, Zach and Braden), and he was old enough this year that we didn't have to be out there with them. It was so much fun for Colby and a nice break for me and Lee, and the boys did such a great job of including Colby in everything they did. It makes me sad that we don't live closer and see them more often.
Luckily, they came up this weekend for a football game, so Colby got another big dose of playtime with the big boys. They played in the basement for a good 4 hours and only came up for a dinner break.
About 10 times a day, Colby asks us random questions like "Do Cooper-Zach (which is his term for all 3 boys...he's still confused about who's who and finds it easier to shorten it) do this? Do Cooper-Zach pee on the potty? Do Cooper-Zach eat spaghetti? Do Cooper-Zach wear coats? Do Cooper-Zach wear a seat belt?" I wonder if they realize they are Colby's hero.
We got 4 inches of snow yesterday! We didn't get to play in it though because we were at a birthday party in the morning, and then the boys came over after nap time.
Earlier this week we took the kids to a Christmas concert at a local high school performed by their marching band. There was Christmas music along with lots of characters: Dora, Winnie the Pooh, elves, Cookie Monster, Santa and his reindeer. To say Colby enjoyed it would be a huge understatement. He could not contain his enthusiasm and spent the entire hour dancing in the isle. (he was actually the only child in the entire auditorium dancing in the isle) He marched, sang, danced, and conducted the band. Miller, on the other hand, wanted to be down so that she could run up on stage. We spent the whole time pinning her down while she struggled and cried to get free.
Miller is talking up a storm. She says new words every day and there seems to be no limit. Some of my favorites from the past few days: Elmo, apple, get down, basement, vitamin. Miller has also started having mini-temper tantrums, which Lee and I find hilarious. She will throw herself on the floor, lay down, and cry, looking up to make sure we see her. We find this so funny only because Colby has never done such a thing. I think it's a sign of things to come.
On Colby's Christmas list this year:
Super duper cape, trumpet, saxophone, drum set, turn table (what!?), headphones with a microphone, a drill that makes noise
I think that's all I've got for now. More soon...
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