Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life's twists and turns

I was hoping to catch up on the blog this weekend, and I was thinking to myself a few days ago about what I would write. I thought I'd talk about how Miller has completely abandoned her Mr. Rabbit for a newer model: pink bear (we haven't named him yet). About a month ago, she took a liking to the little pink lovey in her crib, and now that's all she wants. Poor Mr. Rabbit gets tossed aside and she cries until she gets her pink bear. I'm sure pink bear cost about $8.99, but knowing I needed a back up, the only one I found was on I bought it for $45! She better not switch allegiances again any time soon.

Next, I thought I would talk about how Miller will eat just about anything. I credited myself with giving her a lot of vegetables and making sure she wasn't too picky. One of her favorite foods is unsweetened plain yogurt! I was feeling pretty proud of myself until the other day when she stuck her finger in a large dollop of shaving cream and ate it. And then she smiled and did it again. Now I've come to the conclusion that she's missing some taste buds. I've always wondered how you hear those stories about kids drinking lighter fluid or some other kind of poisonous substance....I always wondered what kind of kid would do that. Well, now I know.

What I didn't know I'd be writing about was our experience on Friday night. A little boy with a fever of 104 and a barking cough crying at midnight, and at the same time, a husband curled in a ball with severe stomach pains. It was so bad for Lee that we decided he should go to the hospital. We called a neighbor to take him, because I didn't want to leave Colby being so sick, and Miller was asleep. However, Lee felt so awful that he couldn't get down the stairs, so we ended up calling an ambulance. Colby watched the whole scene with the EMTs and the ambulance and was completely captivated, despite how badly he felt. Our neighbor went with Lee to the hospital and stayed with him until I called our sitter at 5am to come over and stay with the kids. At that point, I had gotten Colby's fever down and was able to get him back in bed around 4. I called my parents at 5am, and they drove up from Richmond so that they could take Colby to the doctor while Miller stayed with the sitter.

Thankfully, they didn't find anything wrong with Lee and discharged him the next morning with a warning that it could still have been an early appendicitis attack. Colby is doing a bit better and was diagnosed with bronchitis. Neither Lee nor I slept at all that night, so we both took a long nap yesterday and had a full night's sleep last night.

Sometimes, it just takes a little crisis to put everything in perspective and make you appreciate your every day monotonous life. Sometimes I joke that our life is like the movie Groundhog's day, but maybe that's not a bad thing.

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