Here is Kicks hanging out on the chandelier.
Colby spent much of the day trying to impress Kicks. It's amazing the way the phrase "Kicks is watching you" could turn bad behavior around. Colby gave many hugs to his baby sister, making sure to do it right in Kick's line of vision. This really confused Miller, as she's been trained for the past year to run or scream when her brother comes towards her with outstretched arms. She did not understand why this did not end in her face down on the floor, and instead ended in a nice hug. After a few rounds, she caught on and was hugging him back.
Colby also PEED ON THE POTTY!!!! I told him that if he could pee in the potty, Kicks would tell Santa to bring him a super duper cape. I was just having fun with all the possibilities of what Kicks could do for me, but I wasn't expecting Colby to take me so seriously. Next thing I know, Colby asked to get out of the tub in the middle of bath time and promptly peed on the potty. Yes, this elf is truly magical.
While Colby worked very hard for his personal gain, he definitely did not miss an opportunity to throw his baby sister under the bus. After dinner, Colby walked over to Kicks, looked up and with all seriousness said "Kicks, baby sister did not eat her green beans." Well, he's right- she didn't. And he did- all because Kicks was watching.
Colby had been on a nap strike the past few days, but knowing that Kicks could hear him, he settled down for a nice long nap this afternoon.
If you have children and you don't have an elf (on the shelf), don't walk....RUN to the store and get one NOW.