Colby is in the midst of a one-week (and counting) nap strike, and I am really hoping that's all it is. The minute he gets in his bed for nap, he cries and screams until I get him out. (I usually give him a good 45 minutes) I know he's tired because he's yawning and rubbing his eyes, but he's determined not to sleep. Lee even ran Colby around to make sure he was extra tired, but he's up there screaming as we speak. (or as I type this)
On another note, Miller is pulling on anything and everything she can get her chubby little fingers on. In a span of about 4 weeks, she went from steam rolling around the room to fast crawling and pulling up.
She is quite pleased with herself.

She's doing the I'm-so-happy-I-almost-look-mean face again.

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