I'm not in the mood to say much, so I thought I'd just post some pictures of the past week.
Preschool ended last week, and Colby had a really great year overall. This was his end of the year picture...

And his class picture.

Don't they look thrilled? There were only 6 kids in his class and one was absent for the picture. His best buddy was Charlotte, who is on the far left. They often embraced upon seeing each other in the morning, and his teacher said she was sure a wedding is eminent. They are going to summer camp together in 3 weeks.
We spent last weekend at our town carnival, and Colby had a blast riding all the rides. He loved them all and wanted to ride them again and again and again. He would get off and say "I was smiling!" only it sounded like "smia-win".
He loved the giant slide (which was kind of scary)
I squeezed myself onto many of the rides with him.
This is what happens when you tell Colby to stay seated.
Miller took it all in from the stroller.
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