First, I have some important news about Miller. She is finally free of the swaddle! PRAISE GOD!!!!! I have been trying to wean her from it for at least a month, and nothing was working. She was so big for her miracle blanket that I had to cut a hole in the bottom for her feet to stick out. I wish I had taken a definitely wasn't designed for a 23 pound baby. I have been working for weeks to get her used to sleeping without it....I tried one arm out, I tried the other arm, I tried legs....nothing worked. Finally, about 5 nights ago, we just went cold turkey. There was some crying at first, and she flailed around with her arms, but once she finally fell asleep, she slept until 5am! It has been pretty great ever since, and she's usually just waking just once a night to eat. This was the best Christmas present I could have asked for!!!
Over the weekend, Colby's cousins came by for a visit and brought him some pretty awesome Christmas presents. His favorite is a toy called the stomp rocket, and he had a blast playing with his older cousins. (moms of boys, go get one of these!)
Here they are setting it up for Colby to jump on...

And watching the launch.

Later that night, Nana and Granddaddy arrived from South Carolina. Both Colby and Miller enjoyed soaking up all the extra attention. We had a wonderful visit, but it was much too short.

Poor Miller's been fighting her first big nasty cold, and she's had trouble sleeping with the congestion. We've been putting her in a chair to sleep, which seems to help. However, her misery is quickly cured with a jumping session in the jumparoo. Oh, and she's 5 months old today!!
Merry Christmas to all!
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